
Today's phrase - meaning of diverse

Diversity is a catchword nowadays, meaning different things to different people around the globe.Diversity in the Workplase - Business Communication in Action Lesson 4

Today's word - adept

Management executives of the future will have to be adept at cross-cultural troubleshooting.Diversity in the Workplase - Business Communication in Action Lesson 4The word, adapt, adept and adopt are confusing. Definitions of these words ar…

Today's phrase - rewards for social invention

It is interesting that we give a Nobel Prize for scientific advance or quasi-technological advance but we don't give any Nobel Prize for social innovation..Kenichi Ohmae Business Breakthrough Interview Vol.3 Alvin Toffler - December 2008 E…

Definition of wealth

Wealth is anything that satisfied a need or even a desire.Kenichi Ohmae Business Breakthrough Interview Vol.3 Alvin Toffler - December 2008 English Journal

Benefits of diversity

By building on our shared values, we're able to create an advantage from our differences.Diversity in the Workplase - Business Communication in Action Lesson 4

Today's phrase - keynote

One of the keynote concerns in Peoria is ease for senior citizens in getting around.Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Having curiosity

I was incredibly curious. Maybe if there's one overwhelming emotion that has driven my career in journalisum, it's curiosity.EJ Interview Stephen Sackur - December 2008 English Journal

Long time Interview

日本でもこういう定期的な番組が欲しいものです。 If you look around the world, there are very few places left where there is still a commitment the interview, the long-form interview.EJ Interview Stephen Sackur - December 2008 English Journal

Today's phrase - what's in it

That's a good example of what's in it for the interviewee.EJ Interview Stephen Sackur - December 2008 English Journal

Singing at Princess Diana's funeral

From Actors Studio Interview Sir Elton John I had to call on all my professional experience. I was singing on behalf of a country. The country chose that song.Actors Studio Interview Sir Elton John - December 2008 English Journal

Today's phrase

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's phrase - pricking up one's ears

Quite a few cities and states are pricking up their ears. Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's famous phrase

Thomas Edisonの有名な言葉です。後半があるのは,昔に聞いていたのかもしれませんが,忘れていたようです。 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Accordingly, a "genius" is often merly a talented person who has …

Today's phrase - forefront

Middle-aged people are in the forefront of the bike-to-work upsurge.Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's phrage - the past month

last monthは先月で,past monthはちょうど今から1ヶ月前という期間をさします。 The owner sold more than 50 bikes in the past month.Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's phrase - Tarot

今日のBuildingのテーマはFortunetelling(占い)でした。 今日の僕の意見の主軸は,「占い師の言うことは,解釈のしようによって,どのようにも当てはめることができる。というのも,将来について具体的なことを言うと,間違えるリスクがあり,信用を落とす…

Today's phrase - sholders

日本語の路肩はアメリカでもshouldersというようです。 Roads should have wide shoulders and busy streets should have many crosswalks.Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's phrase - stroll

日本語のベビーカーはアメリカではstrollerともいうとのこと。少なくともbaby carは和製英語です。baby buggyが多いのでしょうか。 I strolled around and talked to a lot of local people.Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's phrase - vibrant

It's an old and vibrant Illinois community.Complete Streets - Business Communication in Action Lesson 3

Today's phrase - recount

but continuing to recount it would delay the happy moment when the Actor's Studio can say, it is privileged to welcom to its stage, Sir Elton John.Actors Studio Interview Elton John - December 2008 English Journal

Today's phrage - half nine

I believe we have a booking for Saturday night, including dinner at half nine.The British Way of Love - December 2008 English Journal

Today's phrase - have a go at sb

I ended up having a go at him this morning.The British Way of Love - December 2008 English Journal

Today's phrase - legless

Dave came home legless again last night.The British Way of Love - December 2008 English Journal

Today's phrase - league

I don't know, I think she's out of my league.The British Way of Love - December 2008 English Journal ここでのleagureの意味は,次のものです。 league noun (informal) a level of quality, ability, etc OALD vol.7

Presidential Elections

大統領選挙はBarack Obamaが勝ちました。各紙のタイトルを見ていると,アメリカや世界が,今日という日をどのように見ているのか,端的に表しているんだと思います。NY Times Obama Elected President as Racial Barrier Falls http://www.nytimes.com/2008/…

Today's words - Unsolicited

Unsolicited ads for children's toys, for example, ma raise safety issues or cast a shadow on toys that are trademarked.Office Chitchat - Business Communication in Action Lesson 7

Today's phrase - ins and outs

That it's hard for people who haven't had that to really learn the ins and outs of Japanese social behavior.Talking Japan - English Journal Novermber 2008 issue

Today's phrase - change stand point

That's one of the advantages of being a foreinger in this country - is you get to have a certain distance from some of the more difficult aspects of the society. But on the other hand, there are other things that we do see that you probabl…

Today's phrase - foreigners in Japan

This opinion which is mentioned in Talking Japan in EJ November 2008 issue is true in most cases. But what is the reason why his opinion is true? I don't think only appearance is the reason. I think from my perspective, I personally feel t…

Today's expression - bugging

Parents can benefit from learning what's bugging their kids and how to provide guidance.Social Networking for Seniors - Buisiness Communication in Action Lesson 2