EJ Interview George Clooney

 3月号のEJはGeorge Clooneyのインタビューからです。映画の話が多いのかなと思っていたのですが,映画の話よりも映画と社会や政治の話,俳優としての個人の姿勢の話題が多く,予想外の展開にビックリしました。インタビューを聞いていると,賢い人だなという印象を持ちます。聞いていて「なるほど」と思うコメントも多いです。

A lot of films you don't make any money off of. But you do'em because you wanna make the films. I'm always afraid of being 80 years old and going, "What was your, you know, what was your legacy of films?" if you didn't try to do some decent films aloong the way."

EJ Interview George Clooney - English Journal March 2008 issue

I don't know that they have much effect, but I'd hate to see a world where you didnt do'em, and didn't have those films out there.

EJ Interview George Clooney - English Journal March 2008 issue

I like Barack because he's very intelligent. He's the only guy on that, of that group -- well, not the only buy, but the only major player of that group -- that had the nerve in 2--3 to write a piece that said how stupid going to that war was gonna be. ...
I'd love him to be president, wuite honestly. I think he's, uh, he stands for a lot of things, and I think he could win. I will pull for any Democrat right now that's in there because I think that we had one in Gore and had he been in the office at that point, uh, none of this would've happened.

EJ Interview George Clooney - English Journal March 2008 issue

I saw how little it has to do with you. You know what I mean? Uh, it's all about luck. The probelm I think with famous people in general is that they actually think that they're geniuses. Y'know, you get famous and you start to think, "Yes, of course. Of course I should be famous and I've earned it all." Well, you havene't. You got lucky. ...
It's luck that you've got to try to capitalize on, or you have to be available for it, but it's that.

EJ Interview George Clooney - English Journal March 2008 issue