EJ Interview George Clooney

 20日にも書きましたが,彼のインタビューの最後の部分は,これからのことについてもあれこれ考えるヒントになるのかなと思います。先日の結婚式に限らず,いろんな場面で"Other part of the society"に触れる場面が増えているのかなと最近思っています。この"Other part"の中には,テニスなどのスポーツに絡んだ集まりもあります。声はかけられるのですが,お断りし続けていることになっています。食指が動かないのは…,自分でも理由は大体わかっているのですが。

Priorities seem to -- you're right, they do change as you get older. You find that the older you get, the more you're able to actually participate in other parts of society. Y'know, it's a funny thing, but the more, sort of, secure you are in your career and things, you don't feel like you have to constantly just be about work. You can focus on other issues.
Um, but I also find that it's -- y'know, I have this great group of friends and they've been a great group of friends for 25 years. And you find that the older we get, then the easier it is for us to stay close and spend time together. And it's a huge part of my life. So maybe that, you know, family.

EJ Interview George Clooney - English Journal March 2008 issue