Performing best

 EJ 9月号の最初のインタビューはAl Pacinoのインタビューでした。演じるということに対する彼の哲学が述べられていますが,我々にも通じるところが多くあります。それは徹底的にやるということでしょうか?

I believe that what you hope happens is your unconscious is freed. If you're relax enough, if you're into it enough, you trust that part of you to .. Uh, that's why I believe in consuming as much as you can. That's why I use the impression kind of thing, and then allowing and trusting that.

I like tha idea, I like the questions. I like asking question and not answering 'em. That's my big thing. Ask the question, "Why?" You don't have to answer it. "Why?" And of course, "Where have I been?", "Where as I going?", What am I doing here?", "Why am I here", and all that stuff.

Actors Studio Interview Al Pacino -- English Journal September 2008 issue
And words and phrases from this interview.

They were diametrically different.

Actors Studio Interview Al Pacino -- English Journal September 2008 issue
adv. completely different
One of the definition of "diametrical" is that "relating to the diameter of sth" by OALD.