High-Tech Parenting

 今回の実践ビジネス英語のテーマは「ハイテク時代の子育て」です。いわゆる「ディジタル・ネイティブ」と呼ばれる世代をどのように育てるか? ということがテーマになっており,参考になる場面が多くあると思いました。

 I've heard the term "digital natives" used to describe today's young people. They perceive technology as their freind and rely on it for study, work and play. They're "native speakers" of digital technology, in the sense that they're fluent in the language of computers, video games and the Internet.

 And according to that scenario, we old fogies are "digital immigrants" who've learned to speak the same language as the natives but only with a heavy accent.

High-Tech Parenting (2) -- Business Communication in Action Lesson 21